2019「覓音樂」音樂節聽日就開始喇,快啲同我地一齊一連三日慶祝世界音樂節! !
六隊最令人期待的歐洲樂隊——完美融合聲音合成、結他、敲擊樂與人聲的法國人氣電子R&B及靈魂流行樂二人組合HAUTE;意大利著名爵士四重奏樂隊Enzo Favata Glocal Report Quartet;因《法國之聲》一炮成名的結他手兼歌手Will Barber;為你帶來地道的維也納大師級經典作品的奧地利古典音樂二人組合Nota Bene;受紐約滿滿活力影響的瑞士流行爵士唱作人Eliane Amherd;和讓人沉浸在古典音樂愛河的匈牙利長笛手Veronika Csajagi。
來到香港的「覓音樂!」音樂,當然也有大量出色的本地樂手,包括爵士樂大師羅尚正聯同爵士結他大師包以正的樂隊、極具才華的年輕唱作人李拾壹、熱情瘋狂的樂隊David Boring和話梅鹿、聲音懾人心靈的Stranded Whale和木子與島嶼樂隊,還有如阿鼠流動音效和Merry Lamb Lamb等樂隊讓你忘我舞動。
Make Music Hong Kong is happening tomorrow! Join us for a 3-day FREE music festival!
6 European bands are among our most anticipated artists: the uprising and promising electronic RNB & soul pop French Duo HAUTE who perfectly combines swinging percussions and smooth vocals; the famous Italian jazz quartet Enzo Favata Glocal Report Quartet that jazz-holics must not miss; the Weissenborn guitar player and singer-songwriter from France Will Barber who made his name at the Voice; the Austrian classical duo Nota Bene who brings the audience to Vienna through masterpieces from Mozart to Schubert; the Swiss pop-jazz singer-songwriter Eliane Amherd whose unique sound is inspired by multicultural energy from the city of New York and also the Hungarian flautist Veronika Csajagi who makes us fall in love with the classical tunes.
Meanwhile Make Music will also feature some amazing local talents including acclaimed jazz master Ted Lo and the jazz guitar legend Eugene Pao; the quirky multi-talented singer-songwriter Subyub Lee and also bands that set the stage on fire such as David Boring and Prune Deer; moody and soulful bands such as Stranded Whale and Mukzi & the island and others whose music makes us go groovy such as Mouse Fx and Merry Lamb Lamb.
Don’t forget the young and intriguing local bands that will reward your attention such as NYPD, Nichung, Sciences Noodles and Mothgown! And….we have more and more talented musicians performing non-stop during the 3 days. Come join us with friends!!
Free admission RSVP, for more line-up and registration details: https://www.afhongkong.org/en/cultural-events/mmhk/mmhk19
#MMHK #MakeMusicHK #MakeMusicHongKong #Franceinhk #AFHK #AllianceFrancaiseHongKong #hkfringeclub #FeteDeLaMusique #hklivemusic #hkconcert #hkmusicfestival #freeconcert
European Union in Hong Kong and Macao Alliance Française de Hong Kong Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong Hungary Consulate in Hong Kong Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hong Kong Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong Hong Kong Fringe Club 藝穗會
HAUTE Will Barber elianeperforms Subyub Lee 李拾壹 話梅鹿 - Prune Deer DAVID BORING Jabin Law Jing Wong Stranded Whale PHOON Merry Lamb Lamb MUKZI 木子 Cow Head Set Tone Men Hey Joe Trio Mousefx 南洋派對 NYPD The TimeCrafters 時。刻室樂 林聰 Nichung Science Noodles TMG The Majestic G 麟角樂團 Mothgown Tomii Chan 大耳 BigEar Meovv May Contain Nuts Kowloon Swing Outfit Cracklebox Happy Gabby Andrew Ling 凌顯祐
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